USDA Home Loans
[/split_line_heading][nectar_btn size=”jumbo” button_style=”see-through-2″ color_override=”#ffffff” hover_color_override=”#ffffff” hover_text_color_override=”#000000″ icon_family=”none” url=”#more” text=”Learn More” margin_top=”25″ css_animation=”slideInUp” margin_bottom=”85″]The USDA Mortgage is meant to spur homeownership in pre-designated rural and underdeveloped areas. Take advantage of a 0% down-payment with this program!
- 100% financing: That’s right! This program offers 100% financing for qualifying members.
- First time buyer friendly: USDA Rural Loans can be used by first-time buyers and repeat home buyers alike.
- No homeowner counseling required: Unlike some other mortgage programs, the USDA program doesn’t require a homeowner counseling course to qualify.
- Ability to prove creditworthiness, typically with a credit score of at least 640
- Stable and dependable income
- A willingness to repay the mortgage – generally 12 months of no late payments or collections
- Adjusted household income is equal to or less than 115% of the area median income
- Property serves as the primary residence
- Property is located in a qualified rural area